Internet Enterprises launches its own label!

Internet Entreprises, a label founded in 2024, is dedicated to developing artists and building sustainable and long-term careers. Our artist-centric approach guarantees effective strategies for success. . We are an eclectic phonographic production and music publishing label focusing on World, Pop, Electro, Rock, Jazz fusions…

Based on the observation that current music is shared on the web, Internet Entreprisesdistributes its products on all the usual legal download and streaming platforms. They are also on sale on our artists' websites.

We are also Live Show Producers.

Present on social networks and with the help of a website, Internet Entreprises wants to offer its artists a new way to succeed…

Internet Entreprises is developing global expertise:

  • Recording, mixing and mastering
  • La production ou la coproduction
  • L'exploitation et l'édition
  • La vente et la distribution de tous enregistrements
  • L'édition de toutes œuvres musicales
  • L'édition et l'exploitation de sites interactifs destinés à la promotion d'artistes, de spectacles musicaux ou tout autre événement artistique
  • Le management et la promotion d'artistes
  • L'organisation et l'enregistrement de spectacles
  • Le merchandising
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